The Times-representation and indusrty


1) What representation of private schools can be found on the main front page story of the Times?
On the main front page story of the Times, private schools are represented as important in a positive light because they save taxpayers billions of pounds. They don't talk about the students or their parents who work hard to pay their children's fees but instead mention the headteachers of those private schools.

2) What representation of the Conservative Party can be found in the story at the top of the front page 'Calls for criminal enquiry as top ministers deny security leak'?
The Conservative Party is represented as following the laws and this is reinforced as The Times itself supports them, therefore they will not be hated by their own supporter and in fact will be an active audience, trying to influence other people with their supporting views of the Conservative party. The Conservative Party is in favour of the government as the government seems to take things into account, according to the front cover.

4) How does the coverage of the Royal Family in the Times contrast with the reporting of the same events in the Daily Mirror?
The coverage of the Royal Family in the Times contrasts with the reporting of the same events in the Daily Mirror. They are contrasted as in the Daily Mirror, they use casual language to present the Royal Family as a 'normal' family, such as calling Prince William buy the nickname "Wills" and saying insulting Prince William because he did things against the British tradition and how he betrayed his country by doing so. However the Times, they are actually presented as prestigious and Royalty.

5) How are British people and Muslims represented in the article and sidebar 'Sri Lanka tourists warned of more terror'?
The British people are represented as more superior to all people from other countries in this article. The Muslims are represented as a threat to the British community and that they are terrorists. Most of those terrorists were "well educated" apparently according to the Sri Lankan police or they just have a really strong hate for Muslims to be saying things indirectly like literate people are more dangerous and manipulative than illiterate people as illiterate people don't have eloquence. 

1) Who owns the Times? Write the name of the company AND the billionaire who owns the company.
The Times is owned by News UK, a subsidiary of News Corporation, which is a conglomerate mostly owned by Rupert Murdoch. Rupert Murdoch is an Australian media mogul.

2) What was the The Times's circulation in 2019? How many papers did the Times used to sell back in the 1990s?
The Times's circulation in 2019 was 376,000 while before in the 1990's, the Times used to sell over 800,000 papers. This is most likely due to the growth of the internet and more advanced technology.

3) How has the Times reacted to the decline in print sales and the growth of the internet?
The Times has decided to take advantage of the internet and shift it's news onto a multi-platform landscape. Not only have they done this, but they have even added a membership fee so they still earn money from those who are fans of the Times newspaper company and/or are Conservative supporters. They also created a social media strategy to promote their Twitter and Facebook profiles.

4) What does IPSO stand for and what is IPSO's job?
IPSO stands for Independent Press Standards Organisation and their job is to regulate 1500 print and 1100 online titles; listen to complaints about press behaviour; help with unwanted press attention; advise publication editors; provide information to the public; and provide a journalist whistleblowing hotline.

5) Why do some people want stronger regulation of British newspapers? 
Some people want stronger regulation of British newspapers because they think the newspaper industry isn't trustworthy enough for it to regulate itself using only the IPSO and that a stronger and much better regulation should be implemented instead.


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